2010年1月24日 星期日



In Anne Frank, Anne talks a lot about her sister, so I am going to write about my sister. I will write both good things and bad things about her. But I must first introduce her.

My sister has nice curly long hair, which sometimes looks messy. She wears glasses, because she is near-sighted. Grace likes to read, and read a lot. She also likes to watch TV, so I sometimes see her watching TV and reading a novel at the same time. She likes to eat, especially chicken (except chicken breast). She likes to play checkers and other games.

Now, let me tell you the good things about her. Grace is very intelligent, talkative, and helpful. She also always looks on the bright side of things. Everytime I have troubles with Monica, she always tells me how to stop my enemies from doing the bad things without getting my enemies’ mothers angry, so my enemies has to keep changing their plan.

As I have said, Grace is very talkative, so I can never be bored with her. She always tells me stories she wrote when she was younger, and the stories she is thinking. She is also a good listener, and is always curious about my friends and enemies. She can also help me pick gifts for my friends. She always knows what will happen if I do something to my friends, and she can also help me pick who is suitable to be my friend. If I am sad, her bright-sided-thinking can cheer me up.

Because she likes to eat, and has a big appetite, there will be no leftovers for us to worry about after dinner. She likes to share her food, so every time she has candy or drinks, she will bring it home and share with us.

Now, let me tell you the bad things about her. Grace is too talkative and too curious sometimes, and she will keep talking to me or reading my things without my permission when I am doing my homework. She sometimes gets bored when writing her homework, and starts to draw on my books. Otherwise, Grace is very good.
