2011年2月28日 星期一

A Story (Part 5)

The creature cleared its throat and broke the silence. When it started to speak, its soft, musical voice calmed Beckor. Though the creature was speaking in its own language, everyone, including Beckor, understood what it was saying.

From its self introduction, Beckor found that it was called Elurmilea (El for short), and it was female. He also found that she likes and wants everyone to be quiet.

El and Beckor sat down, and Lythia came out of a room, carrying a wooden box, which had strange pictures carved on it. Why didn't I notice when she went in? Thought Beckor. Lythia murmured something, putting her finger on the box and moving it along the lines of the carving. When this was done, the carving glowed in a faint, green light, and the box opened slowly.

They then continued their dinner. El curled her tail around a piece of magic food, took it out, and ate it gracefully. Beckor was so into studying El that he forgot to eat his meal.

Lythia sent a message with her powers to Beckor. Eat your food. It is very impolite to stare at someone, especially El. Beckor stared at Lythia blankly adn thought Did I hear something? Then came the answer. Yes, and DONT'T stare at me like that. You'll learn this tecknology someday Beckor had a strange expression on his face, but it quickly turned into a worried expression. Oh no! She can read my thoughts! He thought.

AFter dinner, they discussed about what to do the next day. Beckor tried to understand what they are talking about, but he failed, except that he understood that they are going to start the training tomorrow, so that they can be strong and ready when the time comes.

2011年2月26日 星期六











2011年2月23日 星期三

2/23 2011 日記

下午的班會主要討論看漫畫小說的好處及壞處。大多數同學說的壞處不外乎是「會被師長罵、沒收或記缺點」之類的,只有兩難說「會影響課業」的事實。有一個同學的答案很妙: 好處是「打發時間」; 壞處是「浪費時間」。
媽媽的心情也好不到哪裡,因為她又頭暈(已經是第三天了),再加上Borders Bookstore 倒閉了。

2011年2月18日 星期五

Very Funny Old Diary 11/3/2010

Dear Diary,

Grace and I met The Werewolf yesterday afternoon. He was wearing his cap on the wrong way and his sunglasses on his forehead. Do werewolves dress like that? Anyway, he was riding his motorcycle, which was xxx-BZZ (which remindes me of a bee, Buzzzzzzzzz). He bumped into Grace with his bicycle last time, and this time he asked us if Grace and I are sisters.

I read the third book of Harry Potter, and there was something called "blood-flavored lollipops", I'd like to try one. I'm sure Pein would love it.

How I wish that there is no homework today, but that is too good to be true, so there is homework, but only a math homework! It won't take much time, anyway. I got an all-correct math test sheet today ("How wonderful!" I exclaimed with happiness when I got it).

There are no Chinese class today! How wonderful! (Emma hit my head with this notebook when I told her that I'm going to write another "......today!" sentence).

I caught a cold last night (Oh no!). Well I was hoping for a winter with out cold, I was sleeping under my hyper-warm sleeping bag when I fell asleep, but when I woke up, I was sleeping ON it.

We had curry fried rice for lunch and curry for dinner. Both were great. Mom's really good at cooking curry. She made a lot of it, so she won't need to cook dinner tomorrow (Mom comes home at eight every Thursday, and Dad comes home at nine. Our dinner time is six).

I've planned to do all my homework at school so I can use the computer tomorrow to check my email, Facebook, and to listen to the songs of Gloomy Salad Days.


PS Mom and Dad were arguing about the tooth paste. Dad said that the tooth paste should be put up-side down, so it would be easier to push the tooth paste out of the container when needed, which is why it was designed like that, said Dad. Well, Mom doesn't agree, so they argued. I told them a story that was similar to what they are doing. Bot laughed, and stopped arguing, thinking how stupid they were to argue about such a little thing.

Teacher's reply:

Very Funny!
Vicky 11/4

Dilemma said "Is Pein a vampire?" when she read the second paragraph.

2011年2月14日 星期一


今天真是個愉快的日子, 不過因為時間的緣故,我只能大略說一下今天發生的事。


2011年2月12日 星期六

A Story (Part 4)

The cracking sound stopped, and the numb feeling was bothering Beckor. He hated being numb. He couldn't move any of his body except for his eyes, nose, mouth, and his expression. But he couldn't talk. So he stared at as angrily Lythia as angrily as he could. Lythia pretended not to notice and held up another leaf, which looked like the one she used as a weapon.
"This is-" Lythia was interrupt by the angry sound of Beckor's clattering teeth. She looked at him, and continued.
"This is a leaf from that tree." She pointed at the one near the closed room. Again, Beckor made an angry sound to show how uncomfortable he was, but this time Lythia ignored him.
"It is a very poisonous tree. Its leaf can be used as medicine or weapons. We can get the poison by washing it in hot, pure water, and put the mixture under the sun until it turned into a deep colored mixture. We can dip our weapons in it. And as for the rest of the poison in the leaf, we can cook it and drink the soup when your pain hurts like crazy. It can make you feel better." She put the leaf on the ground. Crack! The sound started again. Creeak! The door of the room opened slowly, and a beautiful creature came out. Beckor knew immediately that it was the magical creature Lythia had mentioned when they were in front of the door of the room.

It was a white animal that looked like something between a cat and a dog. It had a long snout, pointy small ears, teeth that are as long and sharp as a saber-tooth's, a clean, bright skin covered with fur, sharp claws that can be pushed in or out, and a long, strong, thick tail that can grow longer if wanted. The creature's head was covered with short fur. The creature was slighted smaller than a horse and slightly bigger than a wolf. From its strong paw and legs, Beckor was sure that the creature can jump high and far, and that it can run very fast and for a long time.

The creature walked towards Beckor and breathed at him. Its breath was like the soft, warm wind that blew against his skin. Suddenly, he no longer feel numb, and he could move again! When he stood up and stretched, the creature went to drink something from a bowl Lythia had prepared.

週記一篇 (2/8~2/12)







2011年2月7日 星期一

Diary of Yesterday and Today

Dear Diary,

Yesterday was my grandma's memorial day, so my family and I went to my uncle's house. We went to see my grandparents (who were dead) at the place where their bones are (not that we went to the heaven and came back). Then we went to a restaurant for lunch.

Lunch was wonderful. We had sasimi, fish (cooked), crab米糕, seafood soup, and a lot more. All of them were so delicious that I ate a lot of each of them. Having lunch with the relatives and eating yummy things was great, except I was a bit disappointed with my appetite and the cousin, who was over 18. He was very ill-mannered.

After lunch, we went back to my uncle's. I wanted to play Naruto on Wii, but the older cousin (the ill-mannered one) was playing a game, which could only played with a person, so I went to see what the other children were doing. My youngest cousin was playing an online game, and the rest of them were watching TV and reading novels. So I decided to watch Gloomy Salad Days on line. It was great. After that, I sent some Naruto pictures to Pein (her nickname). I hope she can see them this time, and that she likes them.

When I did all the things I wanted to do, I went to see if my older cousin was still playing Wii. Fortunately, he wasn't. But bad thing that there wasn't enough time. So I played Wii, and won, and played another match when Mom was in the bathroom.

Anyway, what a wonderful day! If not to mention that no one got me a birthday cake.

Today wasn't any special. This morning, I counted all my money, which included the ones in the red envelopes I got from my relatives. After that, we went to Dad's office. I slept through the morning, and did all the science homework I had forgotten in a few hours. And now, I'm writing my blog and looking at my Facebook at the same time.

Wish all of you had a wonderful Chinese New Year and red envelopes full of money.


2011年2月5日 星期六









Dearest Diary,

Tomorrow is my Chinese birthday! Why don't I get any "Happy birthday"s from my readers, who's reading my blog, anyway? So... let me tell you what my family and I are going to do tomorrow.

First, we are going to my uncle's house, where my cousin and I will play WII. I will play Naruto on the WII with him, and we will be happy. Will, that's not the point. The important thing is, we are going to a restaurant for lunch, which is different from what we do in the past years. We usually eat at uncle's. Well, after lunch, we will go back to his house, and continue playing WII. We will also have my birthday cake, too. Then I will have a wonderful day (if not to mention my other cousin, who always want to play WII when I'm playing).

I wish you all have a great day (enjoying my articles)!


2011年2月4日 星期五





隔天並沒有發生什麼事。接下來的四天都在台北度過。我們再第一天開車到台北。因為姊姊生病,我們把她留在旅館,然後去阿嬤家。接下來,我們就去一零一大樓吃海南雞飯,非常好吃,爸爸說那比新加坡的還要好。接下來我們就去Page One買書。我買了Rick Riordan寫的The Lost Hero,那本書讓我再這三天都沒上網。我們在隔天去了科博館,裡面有許多實驗器材和遊戲。然後就回旅館看書。我們在第三天參觀故宮,我差點睡著。然後我們就到餐廳吃年夜飯。第四天一早就到阿嬤家吃飯,然後就開車回台南。聽起來很無聊,對吧。那是因為我把事情都忘光了。
