2011年12月2日 星期五








2011年10月9日 星期日








2011年10月8日 星期六








2011年7月10日 星期日


A Flower




接下來我們就下車上廁所,一段時間後我們就到了Glacier National Park,我在慰靈碑前拍了個照,走一走,然後就上車了。接下來我們就到了Hamlock Grove Trail,這條路非常的短,不一下子就回來了。沿路都是大樹,一片綠意盎然。接下來我們又到了Giant Cedar Trail,我們走的方向錯誤,不過美景依然美麗。我拍了幾朵花後我們就離開了。之後我就都沒下車了。



2011年7月9日 星期六


親愛的日記: 我們今天早餐是已經吃膩了的吐司夾烤雞和生大陸妹,真是難以下嚥。我們今天要去看Stampede,真是令人期待阿!我們今天先坐車到Calgary,沿路車上都是戴著牛仔帽、穿著牛仔褲、靴子等的人,非常的擁擠。 當我們到Calgary Stampede時,我們先去Saddledome看迷你馬拉馬車,非常的精采。有時這個人領先,但最後他的對手超越了他。有時是這個人一領先就領先到底,有時不分軒輊,只能請觀眾判斷誰是贏家。這比賽像吃巧克力,你永遠不知道結果會是如何。 接下來就是Heavy Horse Show,這是個大馬的選美比賽,每匹馬都完美無缺,皮毛柔軟光亮。它們走路的姿態優雅美麗,跑步起來輕快活潑,腳步整齊,真是令人享受。雖然我們不知道裁判是如何評分的,但我們還是一直觀看,直到節目結束為止。 接下來我們就去Agriculture Building看裡面的動物。裡面有許多馬、驢子、羊、牛、駱馬、雞、鴨等,令人目不暇給,看也看不完。走著走著,我們走到了個比賽場合,這時正在逕行剃羊毛大賽,只見人手一隻羊和一把刮鬍刀,快速的來回移動著刮鬍刀,不一下子就把羊毛剃掉了,這個速度真是令人嘆為觀止。 我們接下來就繼續看那些牛、馬,直到三點我們就回去Saddledome看Cowboy Up Challenge,工作人員先在場地放了各式各樣的障礙物、關卡等,這些關看似簡單卻很困難,好幾匹馬才有一隻能順利通過所有的關。這些牛仔的技術真是好阿! 下一個在Saddledome的節目是Team Cattle Penning,雖然這是我們第二次看Team Cattle Penning了,但我們還是覺得很精采。選手們三個一組,每位都騎著馬,前方有三十隻牛,每隻上面都標有一到十的其中一個號碼。當開使比賽時,場上的那一隊就會將特定號碼的牛感到柵欄中。比賽時間是一分鐘,如果超過時間或將錯誤號碼的牛趕出牛群就輸了。 看完了這個表演,我們就搭車回旅館了。晚餐是越南餐廳的河粉,非常好吃,我們也都吃的很飽。 Judy

2011年7月8日 星期五





我們今天早上先到Safeway買東西,然後就去Cascade Garden。那裡有各式各樣的花和庭園造景,有的花紅,有的白,有的藍,有的黃,有的紫,有的跟手掌一樣大,有的卻小的像隻螞蟻。花朵非常的美,連長在花盆外的都顯的特別豔麗,讓我忍不住一直對著花兒照相。

接下來我們就到Bow Falls,瀑布雖然不高,但是非常的寬,絲毫不減其氣勢。雖然風景優美,但是天氣實在是太冷,風實在是太大,我們拍了幾張照片後就上車離開。接下來我就一直暈車,所以我就跳過了許多景點。

我們在Minnewanka Lake吃午餐,本來我們要在picnic area吃午餐,但是吹風吹一陣子後就宣布陣亡,決定改為在車內吃午餐。那邊的廁所很乾淨,廁所的門上畫著一幅一幅美麗的動物圖畫,當全部的們都關起來時就可以看到一幅晚整的畫。不過我並沒有拍照,因為在廁所裡拍照感覺不太好。

接下來我們就到Two Jack Lake走走,風依舊很大。然後我們開車到Calgary的旅館check-in。


2011年7月7日 星期四



今天真是個沒好的一天,因為我今天沒有在車上睡很久,所以我今天去比較多地方。今天吃完早餐後,我們就開車到Yoho Nation Park。我們先開車到Kicking Horse Pass,不過我沒有認真在看,因為我都在照山。這裡山水景色宜人,無處不美,空氣清新自然,讓人舒服無比。

接下來我們就去Spiral Tunnel at Big Hill,那裡的鐵軌左一彎,右一拐,又彎又長的,真是有趣。很幸運的,我們看到了一台火車,這火車非常的長,當它的車頭已經過兩個隧道並穿出時,車尾還未進入第一個隧道。當我轉身時,我才發現旁邊有很多人,大家都圍著觀看火車,直到它消失為止。

然後我們就延路開車到Emerald Lake的Natural Bridge,這裡果真是水皆漂碧,千丈見底啊!

我們接下來就到Takakkaw Falls,這個瀑布真的是名副其實的非常壯觀,水流像千匹野馬般從山頂狂奔而下,發出連綿不絕轟隆隆的巨響,震撼人心。我們走一段路後就感受到水珠不停的從遠遠的瀑布噴來,真是說不出的涼快。不過真是太涼了,因此我們拍了個照就回車上去了。

看完了Takakkaw Falls我們就去Kootenay National Park的Marble Canyon,這裡路旁有許許多多漂亮的花朵,這些花雖然非常渺小,但它們長得極為可愛、美麗。有的白,有的紫,有的紅,各式各樣的形狀、顏色都有。過不久,我們就到了Paint Pots,這裡的土壤非常的鮮紅,紅得像中午的烈陽,像沙漠裡的野火,有的地方甚至紅得發紫!



2011年7月6日 星期三




今天的早餐非常的好吃,我們吃了吐司加草莓醬,還友麥片。我和媽媽吃的是apple and cinnamon,非常難吃。姐姐吃的是maple and brown sugar,超香超好吃的。爸爸吃的是regular,很香,但還蠻難吃的。我不喜歡吃cinnamon,但也只剩那個口味的,我只吃了幾口就感到難以下嚥。

我們今天去的第一個景點是Moraine Lake,那裡可以說是超美的,河岸堆滿了漂流木,旁邊有個大石堆,是數百萬年前冰河帶過去的。我們沿著小路走去,一直有何的小支流往河流流去,因此我們走路時都要注意看,以免弄濕了腳。河的另一邊有好幾座大山,這時雖然已經是夏天,但山上凹陷的地方依舊積滿了雪,可見冬天時雪有多厚。

我們在Lake Louise的村子吃午餐,我們先到商店買了四個三明治,然後就到picnic area吃午餐。我和姊姊吃了火腿起司三明治,很好吃,但是很鹹。爸爸吃了披薩三明治,媽媽吃了最好吃的雞肉沙拉三明治。吃完回車上後,我就開始我的午休了。

當我被叫醒時,我們已經到了Johnston Canyon。這裡的瀑布很美,但我並沒有走到底,因為我經痛痛得很厲害。姐姐和爸爸說走到底後的景色超美的,還可以走到瀑布裡沁涼一下。我聽了好羨慕,要不是肚子痛我早就跟爸爸去看了。回到車上後,我就趕緊打開一包熱可可,並吃了幾口,以減緩經痛。

今天住的旅館很好,我們今天住在Hidden Ridge,超級豪華的。我們去銀龍吃晚餐,非常好吃,然後就去Safeway買東西。接下來我們就去Vermilion Lake,那裡的水很涼很舒服,湖裡有幾個沙洲,上面長滿了高高的草,水面靜得能照鏡子,後面的山高得碰到天空。我脫的鞋子襪子,站到水裡,沁涼的河水瞬間消去暑意。我在水裡打起水漂,甚是好玩。這是太陽極低,風甚涼,爬到岸上沒多久腳就乾了。


PS 真不知為什麼我一練完跆拳道就被爸爸罵,幸好他現在心情頗佳,跟姊姊升起火來了(當然是在fireplace)。




出門後,我看了沒幾個景點就開始在車上補眠了。我睡得很好,大約在下午一點多起床。我們早上先去Sunswapta Falls,那裡山景秀麗,瀑布壯大雄偉,氣勢非凡,可以感受到大自然震撼人心的力量。接下來我們就去Stutfield Glacier,Tangle Falls就在路邊,我在車上拍了幾個照片,然後就去補眠了。至於其他人還有去哪裡我就不清楚了。

下午一點,當我醒來時,夾岸高山,皆覆白雪,白雪皚皚,藍天青青。接下來我們就去Mistaya Canyon,這裡的瀑布雖然美麗,但不管是什麼瀑布看起來都一樣,我已沒有形容詞可用可言。接下來我們就去Bow Summit,從這裡鳥瞰Peyto Lake景觀絕佳,且湖的顏色碧得像用玉砌成的假湖,只可惜人太多,破壞了這大自然之美。

過不久我們就到了Bow Lake,我在那裡拍了幾張照片,然後就到Num-Ti-Jah Lodge的gift shop,裡面東西的價格跟其他的商店價格比起來還真是便宜,不過我在買下去就要破產了,所以我什麼都沒買。我們從店裡出來後,就看到了Crowfoot Glacier。真不知這是哪一隻可憐的烏鴉的腳,它快因為地球暖化而失去腳丫了。

看完了Crowfoot Glacier,我們就去旅館Check-in。今天的晚餐是泡麵加鮪魚罐頭湯,真是好吃。我吃了兩大杯,吃得肚子超飽的。接下來我們就到Lake Louise走走,除了美麗還是美麗,實在是不知道要如何形容這美到不行的山、水和一旁的旅館。今天真是好!(除了旅館網路超爛、姊姊脾氣超不好外。)


2011年7月4日 星期一




接下來媽媽就說要留在木屋養病,所以我們就把她留在木屋,然後開車去看風景。我們先去Mount Edith Carvel,開車到那裡後,我們走了一大段路才到了景點。剛開始走時,全身上下都因天氣寒冷而顫抖,想曬太陽取暖,但怎麼曬也曬不暖。走到景點時,只覺得一股暖氣由丹田緩緩上升,源源不絕,頗似金庸小說裡的內功。

突然一陣巨響,只見細小的冰雪從上方滑落,乍看之下就是一個未溶化的瀑布。Angel Glacier巨大的翅膀雪白無比,堅硬不摧,天使的身軀晶瑩剔透,婀娜多姿,正如天使下凡,只是不知他何時展翅高飛,回到天國。翅膀旁有個微小的瀑布,水流傾瀉而下,經過後後的一層白雪之下,從洞裡穿出,注入下面那湖中。這時的湖面結了一層薄薄的冰,甚是美麗。爸爸將石子輕輕的往湖中一丟,只見石頭在湖面彈跳數下便停在冰上,發出清脆響亮的聲音,宛如一首簡短動人的歌曲。

接著我們就到Athabasca Falls。這座瀑布急湍甚箭,猛浪若奔,氣勢之雄偉,不下Niagara Falls。看完了瀑布,我們就回小木屋休息、吃午餐。今天的午餐是昨天的雞肉泡麵加吐司,先澄一碗雞湯,然後再把吐司放進去,等吐司吸飽湯汁後再把它吃掉。真是美味!

接下來的Maligne Canyon中的瀑布水皆漂碧,千丈見底(我發現這兩句還真是好用!),瀑布下面的漩渦不停旋轉著,然後從一旁流去,速度之快讓人眼睛跟不上。經服務人員指示後,我們在那黑黑亮亮的石上找到了不少的化石,這是我平身第一次在戶外且不是櫃的地方看到化石,感覺真好!

我們之後去Medicine Lake和Maligne Lake拍照欣賞,我在那裡練習打水飄。上車後就一路睡到小木屋。今天晚餐吃披薩和clam chowder,超好吃的。


2011年7月3日 星期日



今天是Canada Day。我在凌晨時做了個夢,夢到在照顧大肚魚,超難照顧的。在夢裡上學,放學後忘了如何回家,在巷子裡迷路……。就在這時,我醒了。我超想上廁所,但因忘了廁所在右邊還是左邊,只好取消,繼續睡覺。


接下來我們就到Englishman River Estuary Parksville Qualicum Wildlife ManagementArea的海邊走走。我們這次沒有去挖蚌,因為我們今天就要去另一個旅館了,不知道挖完蚌後蚌要放哪裡。這時是退潮,大片沙灘依然一望無際,還是看不到大海。我們看了幾隻可愛的螃蟹後就離開了沙灘。然後我們就在一旁的觀鳥台上看可愛的禽鳥,便享受「好鳥相鳴,嚶嚶成韻」之趣。

接下來我們就去看Englishman River,這河流水皆漂碧,且細石直視無礙(倒是沒有看到什麼游魚),甚是美麗。爸爸說這條河流會叫做Englishman River是因為以前有個englishman到這裡來,想要到河流對面,結果淹死了。我們開玩笑說,若我們下水,這盒就會改叫Taiwanese River。

看完Englishman River後,我們就到Community Park,這裡到處都是要慶祝Canada Day的人,臉上有著國旗圖案,路邊也有幾匹馬和等待節目開始的人們。走著走著,有個加拿大人從建築物裡走了出來,我這時正帶著下課花路米的帽子。他看到我的帽子,跟我說了一句話:「Here comes a cowgirl! Where are your horses?」我愣了一下才知道他在跟我說話。

我們為了避開看遊行的人潮,開車開到MacMillan Park,在那裡看了看河流,然後就開始練習打水飄。這是我平身第一次成功的打水飄,雖然石頭在水上跳了沒幾下就沉下去了,但我還是很滿意。

接下來我們就到Port Alberni的info center我們在那得知一些有關好玩的地方的資訊,也拿到了價拿大國旗的胸章(好小喔!)。我們先到麥當勞吃非常大的雙層的牛肉漢堡,雖然很貴,但是很好吃。然後我們就開車去看燈塔,上面視野很好,但是超級無敵冷,所以我們拍個照後就下樓了。



2011年7月2日 星期六




接下來,我們便到Alamo租車,我們租了一輛mini van。這輛車子不但體型大,還非常豪華:一共有三排椅子(七個座位),前面兩排都可以往後躺,而且都有扶手、放飲料的地方。唯一的缺點就是第二排的窗戶不能打開。我和姊姊坐在第二排,然後把椅子向後仰一些些,就覺得很滿意。

接下來我們就去Horseshoe Bay搭Ferry到Vancouver Island,我們先把車開到Ferry上,然後就爬到deck6去欣賞風景,但因為風大天冷,拍了個照就到deck5去了。deck5的椅子很多,但是大多都是三個一排,所以爸爸只好做到前一排去。船上有些無聊,所以不久我們就睡著了。

大概做了三個奇怪的夢後就到了,我們坐回車中,然後就開車到我們的旅館Sunrise Ridge Waterfront Resort去。媽媽說這個旅館很貴,不過我覺得很豪華。我們的房間裡有廚房、飯廳、豪華的浴室、客廳、陽台、臥室等,廚房裡有烤箱、冰箱、微波爐、洗碗機還有精美的碗盤餐具等。飯廳的桌子長長的,椅子高高的,浴室裡的浴缸有按摩的地方,且旁邊還有洗衣機和烘衣機。客廳有個舒服的沙發床和液晶電視,旁邊的陽台有個BBQ的地方。臥室很大間,櫃子上也有個液晶電視。室內的裝潢很精美、昂貴,也讓人有一種舒適享受之感。以後應該要住這種旅館才對。

一切就緒後,我們就開車到旅館後面的沙灘,這是退潮的時候,沙灘一望無際,沙灘中有些地方一踩就陷下去,有些地方積水。水裡到處都是各式各樣的螃蟹,有的有著橘色和黑色的紋路,有的是純黑色,有的是白色,有的黑白相間,真是美麗。我本來想挖隻大顆的蚌來吃,但因不知它們都在哪裡,只好放棄。接下來我們就開車到Rathtrevor Provincial Park,我們把車停下來,然後就到沙灘去。這次,我決定要去嘗試挖蚌,拿了個樹枝,往一個洞挖下去,結果挖到了個螃蟹。過不久,我看到爸爸拿個手掌大小的貝殼再挖洞,挖到了幾隻扁扁小小的蛤蜊。接下來換我,我也挖到了好幾隻,然後我們就把蛤蜊洗一洗,帶著蛤蜊回去旅館。

我們晚餐吃Clam chowder、現烤的披薩、泡麵和牛奶,Clam chowder裡面有放我和爸爸挖到的蛤蜊,泡麵則是用中午吃剩的BBQ雞胸肉煮的,不過因為我們的食量實在是不如預期,所以泡麵大多都沒吃完。吃完後,我和爸爸就在客廳睡覺,媽媽和姐姐則是在臥室睡。


2011年6月30日 星期四






接下來我們又去搭飛機了,一上飛機,我和爸爸就一人含了半顆暈車藥,因此我接下來就沒有頭暈了。我把How To Train Your Dragon這部影片看完後,飛機上的第一餐晚餐就來了,因為牛肉麵還沒消化完,所以我吃了一半就把餐點給爸爸了。睡了一下,迷迷糊糊中看到爸爸拿了一個三明治,然後又拿了一個給我。看到食物就漸漸清醒了。接下來泡麵就來了。泡麵的湯頭非常好喝,只是有些鹹。然後我又睡著了,沒多久機長廣播要吃早餐了,我吃了omelet and sausage,非常好吃。總而言之,短短不到24小時我已經吃了七餐了。

我們大概在下午四點多下飛機,到了旅館Days Inn後,便看到了旅館飼養的胖貓。然後我們就到房間洗澡刷牙,大概是七點多就上床睡覺了。


2011年6月5日 星期日









2011年5月14日 星期六





2011年5月7日 星期六








2011年4月5日 星期二








2011年4月4日 星期一






2011年4月3日 星期日

A Story (Part 9)

Lythia dropped her spoon and started to mutter something. Her expression showed sadness, angryness, and confusion.
"Lythia, are you okay?" Asked Beckor, worried.
"What?" Lythia choked. "You seemed to be less selfish." She was trying to hide her emotion and thoughts.
"You were not like you. Muttering the things."
"Just... thinking 'bout my childhood."
"Childhood, you mean your past." Beckor stopped to eat, and spoke again. "Can you tell me?"
"About your past." Lythia was silent. Beckor looked at her for a moment and understood.
"You don't need to tell me if you don't want to."
"I want to," said Lythia, "but not now."
They finished their lunch then.
"So...how do we play the-" Beckor was interrupted by Lythia's tap on the shoulder.
"What?" he asked.
"Tell me your story."
"'Kay." Beckor took a big breath and began.
"When I was little, I lived in a walthy family. My parents sold things. They were both really good at fighting. Mom fought like water, soft and swift and light. Dad fought like steel, hard, slow, and heavy. Both were sharp. Dad fought with a weapon mostly, and Mom fought with bare hands.
"They taught me how to fight part by part and how to make living. When I got bored, Mom would do her flight. She looked like a buffterfly, very beautiful. I was always very proud because of a beautiful mom, a handsome dad and they gave birth to my good-looking." Lythia chuckled.
"What's so funny?"
"Nothing. Go on."
"There was also a friend, whose name I could not repeat, and who made my life miserable. He was our best friend. My parents always let him do anything. But one day, the friend was drunk when he came to find us. He yelled things at us, and we found that he was jealous of us. My dad and him argued, and then fought. Soon, the guy took away Dad's weapon and killed him. Mom died, too, trying to defend Dad and stop the guy.
"I was pretty lucky; when I saw what had happened, confusion and anger filled me. I leapt at him, but I was too weak. He sliced me with my father's knife and I fainted. He must have thought I died, because he was nowhere to be seen when I woke up.
"I never trusted anyone ever again."
"That's why you were so angry last night."
"Yeah. I made sure everything was all right last night, I even went to look at the magical box. I felf a great relief when I found that you werng weren't lying to me."
"You don't need to be so suspicious anymore. You have friends now."
Beckor hugged her as tears roled down his cheeks.

2011年4月2日 星期六

a Story (Part 8)

"When will I learn magic?" Asked Beckor.
"It depends, but you need to prthia drank a mouth actice fighting and shoot more often." Lythia drank a mouthful of water and continued. "I see that you have learned how to use arrows long ago, but you are out of practice." Beckor nodded.

Soon, they were back in the cave. Help me with the birds. Lythia sent Beckor a message. Okay, but how? Thought Beckor. Lythia sensed his thoughts and replied. Get these feathers off, they're really useful. If I'm not wrong, these are similar species, right?
Actually, they're the same species, but they have different genes.
Look, some people have red hair, some have black, some have blond, some peole are black, some are white, and some are yellow.
Okay, I'll make an easier example. All dogs are same species. But the sizes, shapes, length of hair, color, etc are different. These two birds are same in many places, like...
Okay, genius, I understand now.
Thanks for calling me genius, but don't interrupt.

Beckor replied then, but Lythia wasn't listening. He turned to look at her and found her resting with her eyes close. It must have took her a lot of energy to sense and send messages to and from Beckor. The boy was afraid that she may be angry after waking up, so he decided to do all the work. After the work was done, he woke Lythia up and they cooked lunch together. It was very hot and dry, but they didn't have time to rest. El and Sophia went training as the teenagers started having their meal. Beckor ate in the normal speed, trying to hide his excitement, but Lythia was very slow.

2011年3月29日 星期二

3/28 日記

今天真是個...(不知怎麼形容)的日子。今天早上的前四節都過得不錯。第一節英文沒什麼好說的。第二節數學,Kiddo 被修女罰站在教室外,原本吵鬧的同學頓時安靜下來。Kiddo在教室外又是做鬼臉又出怪聲,想引起同學注意,但顯然是失敗了。接下來的理化什麼也沒發生。

3/27 日記



2011年3月26日 星期六

A Story (Part 7)

Dear readers,

Part 1 to part6 is the first chapter. I didn't know that this can be so long when I was writing part 1. This is my first novel, anyway.

Chapter 2

Beckor and Lythia got to the hunting area and hid behind the cactus bushes. Soon, a large, red bird covered with fire came and flew in circles, hunting for food. Lythia pushed some arrows into Beckor's hands and wrote in his palm, Shoot it when it is time. Beckor waited and waited. When the bird took a turn around in the air and dove as if it saw a worm, Beckor quickly shot and arrow through the air.

The arrow was quick, but the bird was even quicker. Without looking, it raised its long, beautiful tail and hit the arrow, turning it into ashes. Lythia sighed and took out another bow and several arrows, and waited patiently. Soon, a blue, icy bird flew out of nowhere, and shot some sharp, long ice at the fire bird. The fire bird quickly melted one and dodge one. Seeing her chance, Lythia shot an arrow through the air. It flew through an ice, which was right beside the fire bird, became covered with ice, and flew straight at the bird.

The fire bird blew fire at the arrow, but instead of turning into ashes, the ice on it only melted. It opened its mouth to turn the arrow into ashes, but was too slow. The arrow went through the bird's mouth and head, and it stopped burning immediately, falling.

Now it's your turn Lythia wrote in Beckor's palm. You don't need to use an arrow this time. Just hunt the bird down. Surprised, Beckor saw that the bird was still flying in the air. Beckor dipped his sword into the oil, climbed up a tree, and leaped at the bird as it flew near him. He grabbed its long tail with his left hand. The bird flew up and down several times to make Beckor fall off, but he held still. The bird took a sudden dive near the bird. Beckor sliced the fire bird with his sword, using the heat left on the bird to light on the oil.

The bird struggled even harder to break free when it found that Beckor's sword was on fire. Quickly, Beckor swung himself onto its back, and drove it down towards the desert ground. The blue, icy bird couldn't do anything but obey and dove., The boy stuck his sword into its neck as it got close to the ground.

Psss! The bird defrosted and fell, and the fire on the sword was gone because of the cold. "Nice move," said Lythia, rubbing off the ice from Beckor's armor.

Lythia went to pick up the birds while Beckor wiped off the oil. On the way back, Lythia explained to Beckor about the birds. "These are half-magical creatures. Magical animals can summon all the ancient elements and the elements on the table, but the half-magics can only summon a few kinds."
"What do you mean?"
"For example, this red half-magic can only summon fire. It can summon carbon and oxygen, or potassium and oxygen. This blue one can only summon things that are normally liquid or gas, but only in solid form."
"Like, it can't summon gas oxygen, but only in solid form?"
"Normal blue half-magics would do that when you grab them, but not this one."
"Why not?"
"That's because these two are from the armies of Mid, look." She pointed at a place at the back of the birds' necks, there were two small pentagrams.
"What are those?"
"They are the symbol of Mid's army. Mid printed these on them when they get into the army. Mid also use them to suck powers from its army, so it can break its spell and torture the world again."
"So that's why the birds can't summon the things that needs a lot of powers?"
"Yep. By the way, though we aren't creatures with magic talents, we can still perform some magic under certain situations."







2011年3月4日 星期五

A Story (Part 6)

The next morning, Beckor woke up early. he was excited about the training and he wanted to learn more about fighting, so he had to be ready. He found a mirror in the desk Lythia put in his room, combed his hair with his hands, and pulled it back into a ponytail. Then he remembered that he needed to get washed, so he let down his ponytail and went into his bathroom to take a bath. When he came out, he had already changed into a cool T-shirt and a pair of exercising pants. he dried his hair carefully, combed it and pulled it into a neat ponytail. Beckor looked at himself in the mirror, pulled his ponytail this way and that, and was satisfied at last.

Cree-ak! The door opened behind him, and Lythia walked in.
"I like your hair." She said in a sleepy voice.
"Thanks!" Beckor looked at Lythia in the mirror and found that Lythia was looking at him in the mirror, too. They both turned away, blushing. Good thing that Lythia quickly chaned the topic.
"I came in to see what you're doing so early. I had just woken up, and I saw that the light in here is on. it's only five o'clock."
Beckor opened his mouth and closed it, he was going to say "That's why your hair is so messy", but he decided not to make her angry, so he said "I'm just excited about the training" instead. He stopped for a moment, and continued.
"How's El? And what are we going to do today? I mean, how do we train ourselves?"
"El's out, hunting with Sophia. After breakfast, we'll go hunting together, and in the afternoon, we'll play a game called Hunt. I explain about that later."

Beckor finished his breakfast hastily, grabbed his sword and rushed outside, but Lythia pulled him back by the collar, and gave him his armor.
"You don't need to be in such a hurry, we need to wait for El and Sophia anyway."
But Beckor couldn't wait. He wanted to show Lythia how good he is at fighting, and that he lost her was just a coincidence. The boy wore his armor quickly, and was ready to go soon, but Lythia was still half way through her breakfast. Beckor sighed and sat down to wait for her.

Lythia finished her breakfast gracefully, washed her face (she took a shower last night), got changed (she did this in her room), did her hair, wore her armor, and fasten her sword on her belt. When all was done, El and sophia walked into the cave.
"We're not late, right?" Asked Sophia.
"No, you're just on time." Answered Lythia.
Beckor and Lythia walked out of the cave, and began hunting.

2011年3月2日 星期三


親愛的日記: 2011/3/1
今天真是個完美的一天,因為我們家的浴室大變身: (1) 換裝了一個免治馬桶(2) 換了新蓮蓬頭。免治馬桶超讚的,坐上去時有溫暖的感覺,完全不像一般馬桶的寒意;不僅如此,它還可以噴水、清洗屁屁的污垢,而且水量大小、水溫及座墊溫度皆可任君調整,既貼心又舒服。

2011年2月28日 星期一

A Story (Part 5)

The creature cleared its throat and broke the silence. When it started to speak, its soft, musical voice calmed Beckor. Though the creature was speaking in its own language, everyone, including Beckor, understood what it was saying.

From its self introduction, Beckor found that it was called Elurmilea (El for short), and it was female. He also found that she likes and wants everyone to be quiet.

El and Beckor sat down, and Lythia came out of a room, carrying a wooden box, which had strange pictures carved on it. Why didn't I notice when she went in? Thought Beckor. Lythia murmured something, putting her finger on the box and moving it along the lines of the carving. When this was done, the carving glowed in a faint, green light, and the box opened slowly.

They then continued their dinner. El curled her tail around a piece of magic food, took it out, and ate it gracefully. Beckor was so into studying El that he forgot to eat his meal.

Lythia sent a message with her powers to Beckor. Eat your food. It is very impolite to stare at someone, especially El. Beckor stared at Lythia blankly adn thought Did I hear something? Then came the answer. Yes, and DONT'T stare at me like that. You'll learn this tecknology someday Beckor had a strange expression on his face, but it quickly turned into a worried expression. Oh no! She can read my thoughts! He thought.

AFter dinner, they discussed about what to do the next day. Beckor tried to understand what they are talking about, but he failed, except that he understood that they are going to start the training tomorrow, so that they can be strong and ready when the time comes.

2011年2月26日 星期六











2011年2月23日 星期三

2/23 2011 日記

下午的班會主要討論看漫畫小說的好處及壞處。大多數同學說的壞處不外乎是「會被師長罵、沒收或記缺點」之類的,只有兩難說「會影響課業」的事實。有一個同學的答案很妙: 好處是「打發時間」; 壞處是「浪費時間」。
媽媽的心情也好不到哪裡,因為她又頭暈(已經是第三天了),再加上Borders Bookstore 倒閉了。

2011年2月18日 星期五

Very Funny Old Diary 11/3/2010

Dear Diary,

Grace and I met The Werewolf yesterday afternoon. He was wearing his cap on the wrong way and his sunglasses on his forehead. Do werewolves dress like that? Anyway, he was riding his motorcycle, which was xxx-BZZ (which remindes me of a bee, Buzzzzzzzzz). He bumped into Grace with his bicycle last time, and this time he asked us if Grace and I are sisters.

I read the third book of Harry Potter, and there was something called "blood-flavored lollipops", I'd like to try one. I'm sure Pein would love it.

How I wish that there is no homework today, but that is too good to be true, so there is homework, but only a math homework! It won't take much time, anyway. I got an all-correct math test sheet today ("How wonderful!" I exclaimed with happiness when I got it).

There are no Chinese class today! How wonderful! (Emma hit my head with this notebook when I told her that I'm going to write another "......today!" sentence).

I caught a cold last night (Oh no!). Well I was hoping for a winter with out cold, I was sleeping under my hyper-warm sleeping bag when I fell asleep, but when I woke up, I was sleeping ON it.

We had curry fried rice for lunch and curry for dinner. Both were great. Mom's really good at cooking curry. She made a lot of it, so she won't need to cook dinner tomorrow (Mom comes home at eight every Thursday, and Dad comes home at nine. Our dinner time is six).

I've planned to do all my homework at school so I can use the computer tomorrow to check my email, Facebook, and to listen to the songs of Gloomy Salad Days.


PS Mom and Dad were arguing about the tooth paste. Dad said that the tooth paste should be put up-side down, so it would be easier to push the tooth paste out of the container when needed, which is why it was designed like that, said Dad. Well, Mom doesn't agree, so they argued. I told them a story that was similar to what they are doing. Bot laughed, and stopped arguing, thinking how stupid they were to argue about such a little thing.

Teacher's reply:

Very Funny!
Vicky 11/4

Dilemma said "Is Pein a vampire?" when she read the second paragraph.

2011年2月14日 星期一


今天真是個愉快的日子, 不過因為時間的緣故,我只能大略說一下今天發生的事。


2011年2月12日 星期六

A Story (Part 4)

The cracking sound stopped, and the numb feeling was bothering Beckor. He hated being numb. He couldn't move any of his body except for his eyes, nose, mouth, and his expression. But he couldn't talk. So he stared at as angrily Lythia as angrily as he could. Lythia pretended not to notice and held up another leaf, which looked like the one she used as a weapon.
"This is-" Lythia was interrupt by the angry sound of Beckor's clattering teeth. She looked at him, and continued.
"This is a leaf from that tree." She pointed at the one near the closed room. Again, Beckor made an angry sound to show how uncomfortable he was, but this time Lythia ignored him.
"It is a very poisonous tree. Its leaf can be used as medicine or weapons. We can get the poison by washing it in hot, pure water, and put the mixture under the sun until it turned into a deep colored mixture. We can dip our weapons in it. And as for the rest of the poison in the leaf, we can cook it and drink the soup when your pain hurts like crazy. It can make you feel better." She put the leaf on the ground. Crack! The sound started again. Creeak! The door of the room opened slowly, and a beautiful creature came out. Beckor knew immediately that it was the magical creature Lythia had mentioned when they were in front of the door of the room.

It was a white animal that looked like something between a cat and a dog. It had a long snout, pointy small ears, teeth that are as long and sharp as a saber-tooth's, a clean, bright skin covered with fur, sharp claws that can be pushed in or out, and a long, strong, thick tail that can grow longer if wanted. The creature's head was covered with short fur. The creature was slighted smaller than a horse and slightly bigger than a wolf. From its strong paw and legs, Beckor was sure that the creature can jump high and far, and that it can run very fast and for a long time.

The creature walked towards Beckor and breathed at him. Its breath was like the soft, warm wind that blew against his skin. Suddenly, he no longer feel numb, and he could move again! When he stood up and stretched, the creature went to drink something from a bowl Lythia had prepared.

週記一篇 (2/8~2/12)







2011年2月7日 星期一

Diary of Yesterday and Today

Dear Diary,

Yesterday was my grandma's memorial day, so my family and I went to my uncle's house. We went to see my grandparents (who were dead) at the place where their bones are (not that we went to the heaven and came back). Then we went to a restaurant for lunch.

Lunch was wonderful. We had sasimi, fish (cooked), crab米糕, seafood soup, and a lot more. All of them were so delicious that I ate a lot of each of them. Having lunch with the relatives and eating yummy things was great, except I was a bit disappointed with my appetite and the cousin, who was over 18. He was very ill-mannered.

After lunch, we went back to my uncle's. I wanted to play Naruto on Wii, but the older cousin (the ill-mannered one) was playing a game, which could only played with a person, so I went to see what the other children were doing. My youngest cousin was playing an online game, and the rest of them were watching TV and reading novels. So I decided to watch Gloomy Salad Days on line. It was great. After that, I sent some Naruto pictures to Pein (her nickname). I hope she can see them this time, and that she likes them.

When I did all the things I wanted to do, I went to see if my older cousin was still playing Wii. Fortunately, he wasn't. But bad thing that there wasn't enough time. So I played Wii, and won, and played another match when Mom was in the bathroom.

Anyway, what a wonderful day! If not to mention that no one got me a birthday cake.

Today wasn't any special. This morning, I counted all my money, which included the ones in the red envelopes I got from my relatives. After that, we went to Dad's office. I slept through the morning, and did all the science homework I had forgotten in a few hours. And now, I'm writing my blog and looking at my Facebook at the same time.

Wish all of you had a wonderful Chinese New Year and red envelopes full of money.


2011年2月5日 星期六









Dearest Diary,

Tomorrow is my Chinese birthday! Why don't I get any "Happy birthday"s from my readers, who's reading my blog, anyway? So... let me tell you what my family and I are going to do tomorrow.

First, we are going to my uncle's house, where my cousin and I will play WII. I will play Naruto on the WII with him, and we will be happy. Will, that's not the point. The important thing is, we are going to a restaurant for lunch, which is different from what we do in the past years. We usually eat at uncle's. Well, after lunch, we will go back to his house, and continue playing WII. We will also have my birthday cake, too. Then I will have a wonderful day (if not to mention my other cousin, who always want to play WII when I'm playing).

I wish you all have a great day (enjoying my articles)!


2011年2月4日 星期五





隔天並沒有發生什麼事。接下來的四天都在台北度過。我們再第一天開車到台北。因為姊姊生病,我們把她留在旅館,然後去阿嬤家。接下來,我們就去一零一大樓吃海南雞飯,非常好吃,爸爸說那比新加坡的還要好。接下來我們就去Page One買書。我買了Rick Riordan寫的The Lost Hero,那本書讓我再這三天都沒上網。我們在隔天去了科博館,裡面有許多實驗器材和遊戲。然後就回旅館看書。我們在第三天參觀故宮,我差點睡著。然後我們就到餐廳吃年夜飯。第四天一早就到阿嬤家吃飯,然後就開車回台南。聽起來很無聊,對吧。那是因為我把事情都忘光了。


2011年1月30日 星期日

A Story (Part 3)

It was soon dinner time. And Lythia told Beckor a story.
"Long, long time ago, a monster was born. His name was Mid, actually, it was short for something which no one except him could pronounce, so we called him Mid. He was the most powerful and cruel monster of all time.
"For five thousand years, he had been torturing all the people near him. We suffered all these time, and taught every children to fight. For many years, heroes had tried to defeat him, but none of them succeed. Well, there was one, actually, but he (or she, no one knows what or who that is, anyway) didn't have enough power to kill him. So the hero put him into a deep sleep. Years had passed, and the hero had grew weak, for he had been old. We gave him potions and blessings, so that he can live longer. He should die earlier, but we kept him alive for all these hundreds of years. The hero is dieing, and so is the spell of the sleeping creature. As soon as the hero dies, the spell will be broken, and the creature will rise again.
"I went to visit him (or her) with Sophia a few years ago, and he told us to find a traveler, who could pass the first level of FCD (Fighting the Chinese Dragon), and said that the person would pass our cave in these few years. But we also have to find a magical creature, who could defeat Sophia and my power, together."
"And that is the creature, who refused to come out."
"Yes, and don't call her like that. She's amazing. Anyway, after that, he went to talk to his other visitors. At the end, he told every of us to meet him the day he dies with the people he told us to fight. And meanwhile, we should train them, who is you and the others, and prepare them so we can fight the monster together."
"So you guys kidnapped me so you can finish the quest, huh? I don't like it. Tell you something, I don't think I can do it. Plus, it's not my own business, anyway. It's something about places faraway." Beckor talked for a long time about that, and started blaming all the people. He got angrier as he talked, and so did Lythia. Lythia tried to explain many times, but Beckor wouldn't listen. Finally, Lythia couldn't stand it, and said:"come on then, and think if you can beat me, if you think you're the boss." So Beckor raised his sword, backed to the entrance, and flew to Lythia in an amazing speed. Lythia remained seated. She held a leaf between her fingers, and pushed it outwards, from slow to fast, and released. Wham! The leaf burst into pieces as it hit his forehead, a drop of blood rolled down from Beckor's forehead. Beckor collapsed and felt numb immediately. Yet he was wide awake. Lythia began to explain as Beckor stared at her angrily, and unable to move. Suddenly there was a loud noise.

2011年1月29日 星期六

The Diaries of The Camping Days (Part 2)

親愛的日記: 1/28/2011



接下來我們又在走馬賴裡完大地遊戲。不過這次跟昨天的不同之處是,我們今天是在學習。我們學了許多繩結與歌曲,非常的好玩。我們今天還是要諂媚關主,我們班的對呼很特別,叫做NIKE PUMA,關主們都很喜歡,也覺得很特別。對呼內容是:「讓我們給關主一個NIKE PUMA! N!I!K!E!NIKE!NIKE!NIKE!P!U!M!A!PUMA!PUMA!PUMA!阿~魯巴!」(我們可沒有完阿魯巴喔‧‧‧沒得玩!)






The Diaries of The Camping Days (Part 1)

Dear Diary,

Today is the first day of the three camping days. The whole eighth grade were very excited. I, too was very excited. First, we got together at our school. A teacher was telling as to do this and do not do that. After that, we met the counselors.

Then we got on the bus and went to a camp ground in Tainan county. It was a torture to me. I didn't sleep well last night, therefore my left eye was so itch. It was a bad decision to scratch it because my eye got more itch and it was swollen. Then I got hyper-dizzy on the bus, and couldn't do anything but throw up.

We arrived at ten a.m., when we got off the bus, I quickly asked the counselors about what I had missed on the bus and quickly caught up.

We learned and put up our tent then. It was a very small tent for seven of us (our team). Then we went to get some sleeping bags for our tent floor, and put our sleeping bag and luggage inside.

We were all very hungry after the tiresome work. So we went to have our lunch. As soon as we got to the cafeteria, I found that I had forgotten to bring my utencel. Since I didn't know what to do, I told our team counselor about it. So he went to get a pair of chopsticks for me (I didn't know where he got it). Though lunch was delicious, we didn't eat much.

After that, we went to watch the counselors' play. It was very funny and interesting. The next thing was to play a game in the camp ground. We walked from here to there, and the games were competitions with the another class, and we had to flatter the quiz master, like to say something like "You are so handsome" or "You are so beautiful" (with fingers crossed behind our back) to get more points. It was fun.

After the exciting, long, walk, we went to have our dinner. We cooked it ourselves with char coal. We had to build the fire ourselves. I was the human fan, which is the best job in the team. Too bad the fire was too small. When we were cooking our soup, I put too much water in the pot, and the soup never get ready. So we decided to stop cooking and take the pot away from the fire. The dishes were eggs with meat, meat with too much salt, vegetable with too less salt, soup with cooked duck meat and with raw mushroom.

Our lunch was the worst meal ever. Our team ate all the egg, and no one wanted to eat the rest of the meal. I was still hungry (or not full), so I ate the rest of the too-salty-meat with the rest of the vegetable together. The soup was terrible. It was full of the smell of the raw mushroom. So I ate the rest of the duck meat, which was the only eatable thing in the soup, and drank a few bowl of the horrible soup, and poured the rest away.

Then we went back to our tents to put away the things, and got together in the dark night to listen to a counselor, who was talking in a soft, slow, ghostly voice. She told us not to call someone by her name, not to turn around or react when someone calls your name, for you don't know who or what had called you. Don't wear anything red, red is a harmful color. She also told us not to speak too loud, it might attract something. She told us to hold hands with a friend, but don't rehold when we accidentally let go, we won't know if we what we are holding. Don't tap on someone's head or shoulders because we have some kind of important fire on them, she said.

After that, we went to listen to our counselor. He was telling us some ghost stories. Dilemma was very scared. She held my hand tight in her pocket (not in mine since I wasn't wearing my coat because of the color of it). She was also trying hard not to hear a thing. Well, she was very good at it since I had to call her twice to draw her attention. We decided to call her The Goddess of Novels (a nickname I named her), and call me The Goddess (we didn't want to get to Athena's bad side, my nickname was The Goddess of Wisdom). I suggested that we should pray to the Wind Gods, so we did.

We saw some interesting scenes when we were talking. The were some candles on the road. The light of the candle was painful in my eyes, and it was hard to see things in the dark. How I wish that I can be a vampire in the dark, that way I can see more carefully.

After the walk, we went to see some more plays played by the counselors. It was very funny. Then we went to get supper, and went back to our tent. It was about eleven p.m.

What a tiresome day!










今天的理化依舊無聊。我今天在英文課看兩難(匿名)借我的Wayside School的第三本,非常的好笑。我差點笑出聲來。



2011年1月25日 星期二

Jan 25, 2011 Diary

Dear Diary,

Today is one of my favorite days. This morning, all of us, eighth graders, went to listen to a teacher’s speech (it wasn’t actually a speech; she was just telling us some information). After that, we had English class. Then we had math, civics, science, lunch, geographic and history.
Listening to the speech was fun. The teacher was telling us about the camping, which the whole eighth graders are going to have two days later. She told us not to ruin the food we need to cook, and not to be “romantic”. She made some examples and those were really funny that I fell off my chair.
My thoughts were drifting away in the next two classes. Well, not actually, since I was writing yesterday’s diary in the English class.
The science class was divided into two parts. Our teacher was answering our questions in the first part, and we had a quiz in the second part. Well, my thoughts were floating away in the first part, and I was really floating in the second part. That was because I got 100 in the quiz (how wonderful!), and many of my classmates only got an egg 0 (how pity!!).
Oh! I think I left out the civics class. I had to get the heavy civics text books from the teachers’ office to our classroom. It was a heavy, slow and tiresome trip. I was sweating and panting, and my shirt was wet.
Lunch was wonderful. We had potato and bacon, seaweed and egg soup, chicken and pork with sauce. I took too much since every dish was delicious and I ate too much with the same reason. I was too full to sleep well.
Our Chinese teacher, Mrs. Phoenix, who is also our homeroom teacher, spent most of time in reassuring camping safety, and only used 5 min in teaching. Surprisingly, she finished what she could usually cover for 40-min teaching.
How about the next two classes? Nothing to talk about actually. In the recess, I spent my time reading the book Dilemma lent me (it is called “Wayside School”), and laughed through the recess.
I have deciced to write the next part of “The Story” on the weekend so it can be a weekly story. What will I write after that? Diary? Of course not. Diaries are only for the weekdays. I’ll write another story but don’t ask me what it is called. Finish this one first! What a day!!

2011年1月22日 星期六

A Story (Part 2)

When the boy woke up, he was in a cave. There was a girl about his age by his side. He wanted to sit up, but the girl pushed him back.
"Lay down. You are terribly injured. I'm Lythia. What's your name?" The girl's voice was quite deep (for a girl) and strong.
"I'm Beckor. Was it a dream?"
"The creature."
"No." She pointed to the entrance of the cave. It's a Chinese dragon of mine. Her name is Sophia."
"Don't ask. Enjoy your breakfast, I'm going to hunt. And don't try to get out. There are a lot of animals out there, and don't even think about beating Sophia. She is way stronger and better at fighting than you are."

It was noon already before she was back. She was carrying a big bag full of desert animals.
"What's for lunch?" Beckor asked.
"Desert rabbits. Help me with these. From now on, you are going to live with me. I'll tell you why at dinner time. Everyday, I'll leave in the morning to hunt, you and Sophia will guard the cave. Remember, Sophia and I are the boss here, not you. I'm stronger and better than you are, and she is more than I am." Said Lythia.
They finished peeling of the skin of the rabbit when Lythia finished her talk.

Then Lythia made an armor for Beckor. It had scales from the dragon and cloth that can protect people from everything. After that, Lythia took out a new, shiny, sharp sword from another room, and gave it to Beckor.
"Don't use the old one you had. It's not good enough. Use this one from now, and wear the armor every time you fight. It can protect you from knives and swords and any other weapon. The sword can cut through anything except for the armor."

Then Lythia showed Beckor the rooms and her territory in the desert, but she left out a room.
"What's in the room? Why did you left it out?" Asked Beckor curiously.
"An animal."
"Can you open the door?"
"I can't the creature is stronger than me, and so is the door. It is the master and the boss of all of us. It doesn't commands us often, and doesn't need to be feed often. It will come out when it's ready."

2011年1月21日 星期五

A story

Once upon a time, there was a boy, who was going to sell the things he had made. He was an orphan, and he lived on selling things. He never knew where he was going, so he sometimes accidently got into a robber's home. His parents had taught him how to fight before he became an orphan, so he never had lost any robber before.

When he got to the desert, he was tired and thirsty. Quickly, he rushed to a small river, and started to drink. Suddenly, a large creature flew out of the river. It was covered with the golden scales of a snake, and it had the bright eyes of a shrimp, the horns of a deer, the teeth of a saber-tooth cat, the nose of a cow, the tail of a fish, and the claws of the birds.

The creature roared, and attacked, so the boy quickly defenced himself, and charged. He waved his sword at the creature, but missed. Before it could attack him again, he drove the sword into its tail.
"GRRRRRRRRRR!" The creature jerked its tail away, and blew a big ball of fire at him. He dodged, and ran for his sword. Quickly, he jumped at the tail and took a tight grip. Suddenly, the creature flew high into the sky, and into the river. The boy pulled out his sword from the tail, and swam to the shore. Then he sat down to rest. as he was panting, the creature flew into the sky, and suddenly dived at him.

It opened its muoth, and this time the boy was ready. Splash! the boy splashed the water at its mouth, but instead of smoke, lots and lots of water came out of its mouth like the waves of the sea. The boy jumped as high as he could, and hid under the creature's chin. He tried to drive his sword into the creature's chin, but it was no use. The scales were too strong. The creature shook and jerked its head, but the boy would not let go. Last, the creature got tired and went back into the river.

2011年1月20日 星期四







