2009年8月21日 星期五




4 則留言:

尼克 提到...

Hi Judy. I saw the message you left on my blog. Do you like to read ? I am not a good reader, but I really like reading. People don't read much nowadays...

Judy 提到...

I really enjoy reading, and I have many things to share with other people. If you don't understand Chinese, you can visit my sister's blog, www.leegracew.blogspot.com
The articals about visiting other cuontries are same.

尼克 提到...

I read both English and Chinese books. Although I've read a lot of books, I haven't really wrote any summaries. "The story of Michael Faraday" was the book I've read several days ago, and it gave me quite a lot of inspirations. I hope I could read more books of this kind.
BTW, it would be nice if you could recommend some good books.

Judy 提到...

I haven't got much time to maintain my blog since, so I didn't saw you message you left on my blog on 8/29.
If you really want to read some good book, "Eragon" is a book I and my sister really enjoyed.